2024 General Officers Election

Abbot’s Announcement

To: All members of the Order of Saint Luke

From: Abbot Elizabeth Moore, OSL

The primary agenda at the May meeting of the Order of Saint Luke General Chapter was to nominate our officers for the coming four years. This was done by the Nominations Committee which is made up of the Chapter Priors and the Canons of the Order who were in attendance.

It is my joy to announce the following nominations:

For Abbot: Sr. Heather Josslyn Cranson

For Prior-General: Sr. Celia Halfacre

For Chancellor-General: Br. Scot Bontrager

Provincial-General: Br. Brett Isernhagen

I believe that this is a strong slate of officers, and I appreciate their willingness to serve.

You will be receiving a ballot by email around the first of July.  Please return your vote to Sr. Jeanette Block by August 1. You can respond digitally to teller@saint-luke.net, or, if you prefer, you can mail your approval of the above list of new officers to Sr. Jeanette at 194 Fries Mill Road Franklinville NJ 08322.

If you have any questions, please contact the teller, Br. Brent Sturm at (304) 667-8278 or at brent.sturm@gmail.com; or Sr. Dianne Covault at (216) 509-4229 or by email at dianne.covault@gmail.com.

2024 General Officers Slate


Sr. Heather has been a member of the Order since 1999 and has served the order as Provincial General since 2016.

When not at Retreat or Spring Council, Sr. Heather teaches music and religious studies at Regis College, chairs the Board of Discipleship of the New England Annual Conference, and drags her daughter Seraphina and her husband Matt into as many small adventures as she can.

Prior General

Sr. Celia has been a member of the order since 2007. She has served the order as Chaplain General and Provincial Companion.

Chancellor General

Br. Scot has been a member of the Order since 2007, he has been Prior of the Perkins Chapter and the Trinity Chapter. Br. Scot has served as web scribe and “tech bro” for many years.

Br. Scot is a systematic theologian, pastor of a United Methodist congregation, and makes techno music. He has been known to play with computers from time-to-time.

Provincial General

Br. Brett has been a member of the Order since 2016 and is currently the prior and a founding member of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter. He lives in Virginia (USA) and is passionate about helping members make connection with others in the Order.


The election process is spelled out in the constitution.

Section 7 – Election of Officers

Nominations of the four elected general officers will be made by a Nominations Committee composed of the Priors of Chapters, Conveners of Associations (or their designated representative), Provincial Companions, and The Canons of The Order, in attendance at the Spring meeting of the Council prior to the General Convocation. No current General Officer of The Order may participate in the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee shall prepare a slate that will be distributed to the membership of The Order.  All members in good standing shall be eligible to vote.  Ballots shall be distributed as soon as practical, following the Council meeting, by regular mail or by electronic means, at the discretion of the Council.  To be valid, ballots must be returned within sixty days of initial mailing. Unless otherwise determined by the Council, the officers shall be invested at the next General Convocation. The Abbot shall appoint a chairperson to oversee the process of nominations and election, who will be a non-voting member of the Committee.

The roles are defined in the bylaws, section 4.



The Abbot is the spiritual and temporal leader of The Order.  In carrying out these duties, the Abbot shall:

a) Perform such liturgical leadership duties as specified in The Book of Offices and Services; and

b) Preside at all meetings of the Convocation and Council, and shall be a member Ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee, and

c) Have authority to grant approval of formation of Chapters and Associations, in accordance with “Guidelines for Relationship with The Order of Saint Luke”;

d) Delegate responsibility and authority and appoint as needed to meet the needs of The Order, and

e) May initiate and terminate appointments of editors of publications, in consultation with the Director of Publications, and the approval of the Council, and In concert with the Council, interpret the Rule of Life and Service for the good of The Order.

Prior General

The Prior General shall

a) Perform the duties of the Abbot in the Abbot’s absence or inability to serve; and

b) Support the work of the appointed officers; and

c) Administer the Hoyt Hickman Award; and

d) Undertake such mutually agreed responsibilities as are designated by the Abbot or the Council.

 Chancellor General

The Chancellor General is the secretary, treasurer and statutory agent of The Order, and custodian of the financial and historical documents.  In carrying out these duties, the Chancellor General shall:

a) Conduct the official correspondence of the General Chapter, keep the minutes of the Council, maintain financial and membership records for The Order, and attend to the legal matters of The Order. Financial records of The Order shall be available for annual audit by designation of the Council.

b) Maintain the official mailing list of members of the General Chapter and, as specified in “Guidelines for Relationship with The Order of Saint Luke,” notify the appropriate Provincial Companion of new members, and

c) Make semi-annual reports of financial and membership data to the Council.

Provincial General

Provide spiritual support to the Provincial Companions; and

The Provincial General shall:

a) Publish and distribute recruitment and formation materials; and

b) As specified in Guidelines for Relationship with The Order of Saint Luke, work with the Abbot, Council, and Provincial Companions for the application, recognition, and change of status of Chapters and Associations,

c) Receive and maintain copies of appropriate documents concerning the life and conduct of Chapters and Associations; and

d) Provide semi-annual reports to the Council regarding matters of Chapter and Association formation; and

e) Undertake such other mutually agreed responsibilities as are delegated by the Abbot or Council.

Provincial Companions

Provincial Companions are responsible for formation and assistance of Chapters, Associations, and Covenant Communities, within a geographic area.  In addition, they shall provide spiritual formation and guidance for those members in that area who are not able to be members of a Chapter or Association. They are appointed by the Abbot, with the approval of the Council.  In carrying out these duties, the Provincial Companions shall:

a) Serve as liaisons between the General Chapter and Priors of Chapters and Associations, and Conveners of Covenant Communities, including receiving and maintaining annual reports from these units,

b) As provided in Guidelines for Relationship with The Order of Saint Luke, assist Chapters, Associations, and Covenant Communities in matters of formation and membership, and

c) Provide semi-annual reports of activities to the Provincial General.