
Leadership within the Order of Saint Luke

The leadership of the Order of Saint Luke® is provided by four elected officers: the Abbot, the Prior General, the Chancellor General, and the Provincial General. These officers are elected by ballot to four-year terms, or until their successors are elected or assume office. They may succeed themselves.

The Abbot, in consultation with The Council, also creates, as needed, appointed leaders as may be necessary for the good of The Order. These persons manage the daily work of the Order as defined in the list below. Appointed Officers may serve on the Council.

At the request of the Abbot, the Council can name persons as Canons of The Order, in recognition of their past and continuing service to The Order. Canons of the Order serve on the Council for four years and may be re-nominated.


Sr. Elizabeth served the Order of Saint Luke® from 2008-2016 as Prior-General and as the Interim Director of Publications. She served as the editor of The Font for ten years. She joined the Order in 1999 as part of the Greater New Jersey Chapter.

Prior General

Br. George R. Crisp has been a member of The Order since 1984, and has lived out his relationship with the Order in the California-Pacific Chapter.

Chancellor General

Sr. Jeanette has been a member of The Order since 2006, living the Rule of Life and Service through the New Jersey Chapter.

Provincial General

Sr. Heather Josselyn-Cranson joined the Order of Saint Luke® through the Boston University Chapter in 1999.

Pastoral Care Director
Chaplain General

Sr. Celia is in charge of worship for May Council and October Retreat (US).

Chaplain General for Online Worship

Sr. Kimberly is in charge of online worship.

Companion for Inquirers and New Members
Facebook Group Administrator
Novitiate Director
Inventory and Sales Management

All matters related to content and sale our print and digital publications


If a member dies, Sr. Robert should be notified, along with the Abbot and the Chancellor General

Daily Office Revision Team leader

All matters related to the development of 3rd edition of the Daily Office

Doxology Editor

All matters related to the publication and content of our periodicals

Font Editor

Questions, suggestions and submissions for the Font (our digital member publication)

Lay Representative to Council

Questions, suggestions, and concerns relate to lay participation and ministry in OSL

Web Scribe & Tech Bro.

Br. Scot has been a member of the order since 2007 and has served as prior of the Perkins Chapter and the Trinity Chapter.

Canons of the Order

  • Br. French Ball
  • Sr. Barbara Lee
  • Br. Mark Stamm
  • Br. Brent Sturm
  • Br. Mattias Tanner
  • Br. Dwight Vogel
  • Br. Michael O’Donnell