Abbot’s Welcome
The Order of Saint Luke® is a dispersed ecumenical religious order. Founded by Methodists, the Order currently includes United Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Baptists, members of Holiness movement churches, and many others in the Christian families besides. As an Order, we have two complementary emphases. First, our corporate focus is on sacramental and liturgical scholarship, education, and practice. Second, we emphasize ongoing personal spiritual formation, guided by the Rule of Life and Service.
We are clergy and lay, married and single. We are celebrating our 75th anniversary in 2021. While the majority of our members are in The United States, we have a growing number of members in other countries, including the Philippines and Singapore.
Because we are dispersed, when it is geographically feasible we organize into local chapters so that we can experience community in worship, spiritual formation, study and mutual care. Where our members live great distances from one another, we use technology to gather. There are several groups that meet “digitally” to pray portions of the Daily Office together. Our Facebook page and groups allow members and non-members to be in lively dialogue on liturgical matters and shared concerns and prayers.
Welcome! We’re glad you found us!
Sr. Elizabeth (Sue) Moore, OSL